I did a bit of weeding in the driveway and around the flower beds, all the while keeping a close watch for any naughty chickens that would dare try to dig in my landscaping. They are relentless!
Rocky has been home the past 3 days and nights. We've had a lot of storms lately and Jim wants to keep him until tomorrow morning. He has been a lot of fun for us, playing squirrel games and just being cute in general. We love to watch him eat and groom himself. Incidentally, squirrels are very clean creatures and groom themselves about as much as cats do...just much faster! We gave Rocky some grapes and enjoyed watching him lick, lick, lick, then CHOMP! Jim took the above photo with his cell phone. Rocky had been playing and running around in the shop and plopped down on the work bench, tuckered out! He looks a little like road kill doesn't he? He seems very happy to be home with us and is one spoiled little squirrel!
After the chooks came into the coop for the night, I checked leg bands on some of the larger birds to make sure none of them were tight fitting. Just for kicks, I decided to weigh some of my birds to get an idea of how big they are at 11 weeks. Here are the results:
- Roo - Barred Rock rooster, largest bird - 3.75 lb
- Betty - Barred Rock pullet, one of the smallest - 2 lb 1 oz
- Poppy - Australorp pullet, largest pullet - 3 lb
- Rudy - Buff Orpington rooster - 2.7 lb
Yes, I'm easily entertained.