Monday, June 29, 2009

My How They've Grown!

This bright orange lily bloomed today. It's so bright that I can even see it from a distance. My lavender plants are so lush and beautiful right now. I planted a dozen more this year I love them so much. The bees love them too.

Macaroni's babies are three weeks old and so fun to watch. I got a video of them eating coon tail in the pond today. Murphy and Macaroni are keeping watch over them, although Murphy doesn't like them getting too close to him. The hens have started laying eggs again, which I found out quite by accident. They're using the same nests that they hatched their babies in and I happened to notice the eggs while looking under the front porch. I gathered them all though, I've got enough ducklings.


  1. The flowers are so pretty! Enjoyed the pictures today. Weather here has been so hot and humid, but tomorrow will be only low 60's, and perhaps 70's by the weekend....thank goodness!

  2. Your flowers are beautiful! It's fun to watch ducks in a pond. I like seeing them go under and come up somewhere else.


  3. oh how lucky you are to have that beautiful pond filled with your duck babies, I could sit and watch them all day. Our daylillies are in full bloom here too, I just love 'em.

  4. Your day lilies and lavendar are beautiful! Mine are about done for the year so now I will enjoy yours!
    Aw, no more duck babies?

  5. I love the baby ducks!!!! Hey how is your back feeling? Still well?
    The flowers are gorgeous!

  6. beautiful pics! I've been away from Blogland for awhile! Congrats on all those ducklings!!

  7. Hey, Amy, how are you doing? Glad to see you are still gathering eggs. The ducks all look fine. I hope you are well.


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