Sunday, September 28, 2008

Have You?

Have you hugged your chickie today?


  1. I have not but I hugged and kissed my goats, does that count?

  2. I haven't, but our niece did lots of hugging yesterday. :)

  3. Kim, yes, kissing goats definitely counts. They are great for hugging!

    Ruth, ah yes, nieces to do the job for you. Chickens are cuddly...who knew???

  4. Awwwww :-)
    Hey, how come your Buff has a black band around one ankle?

  5. Danni, our birds all have colored bands to help us tell them apart. Esther wears a black band. And she bites!!!

  6. I always hug my chickens. Especially my favorite rooster. I can't always tell my Buff Orp hens apart. Maybe I should get some bands.

  7. Nancy, without those bands I wouldn't be able to tell most of my girls apart. My son is better at telling them apart than I am. And he loves chickie hugs!


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